Tsunami by Bob Farmer, used
Tsunami by Bob Farmer, used
An old, second-hand manuscript
This manuscript explains several variations of one incredible prediction effect. Every variation produces the same result, but along the way there is gambling, mentalism, and more than a few hustles.
Here's what others have said:
"For the past couple of months, one of the questions my friends in magic have been asking me is, 'Have you seen Tsunami?'...Finally, someone performed it for me, Harry Lorayne to be exact, and I was impressed...Don't pass this up..."
-Charles Reynolds, Magic Manuscript
"...(A)...collection of unusual mental/gambling routines based on ingenious principles that some top names have raved about, and been badly fooled with...The magician that bothers to learn...(Tsunami)...will have an anywhere-anytime game of Psychic Poker...that will destroy the laymen."
-Jeff Busby, Magical Arts Journal
"A powerful effect..."
-Max Abrams, Genii
"Bob...completely blew me away...buy this now or die of regret and the 'greenies' when your buddy blows you away with it..."
-Rick Johnsson, Linking Ring
"...(O)ne of the most delightful conceptions in card magic...this is something not to be missed by the intelligent magician!"
-Peter Warlock, Abra
"...(O)ne of my favorites!...Very neat stuff! Four stars..."
-Brad Burt, The Magic Shopper, March, 1990
"...TSUNAMI, the best damn card trick since OUT OF THIS WORLD! My congratulations and admiration."
-Dennis Marks
"I own everything you've put out so far, and will undoubtedly buy anything you put out in the future. It's great stuff, well thought out and beautifully packaged."
-R.O. -- Berkley, California
"...diabolically clever and impressive...thank you for your fine contribution to magic and my pleasure."
-J.F. -- New York
"...(Y)ou astounded me with...Tsunami...when I got the manuscript, I was as impressed as my audiences have been ever since..."
-L.P. -- San Francisco